A small, Finnish seaside town is preparing to celebrate midsummer’s eve. An unknown enemy arrives and takes the entire area hostage.
Conflict (Season 1)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Release Date: 2025
Stars: Sara Soulié as Linnea Saaristo, Peter Franzén as Kapt. Rami Ohrankämmen
Language: English
Episode: 6 (Complete)
Please have a look E2 and E4 are just showing as E1 and E3
what is wrong with E2 & E4 come on get to straight it now .
Please send me E2 and 4
E2 and E3 please
Episode 2 and 4 are the same thing as Episode 1 and 3 respectively
Please ep1 and 2 are thesame things please go through all the episode and solp our problems thank you!!